Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Liebster Award... (#LongTimeComing!)

Well, I was awarded a long time ago by Jessie but never really did it because I couldn't (For the life of me) figure it out. But I was just re-reading old posts and finally came to a conclusion.
So, without further Adieu, the Liebster Award...

Liebster Award Rules:
Acknowledge the blog that nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created.
List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that deserve some recognition.
Post 11 questions for them to answer.
Notify them that they've been nominated.

The Awarded:

Sparkplug at: Sparkplug's Universe

Vincent  at: Vincent the Awesome.com

Decypleshark at: Max and Decypleshark's Blog of Videos

and Jordan at: J and J Productions

GezusGeek at: GezusGeek Set Sail

That's all the other blogs I know and follow.

The Questions:

1. Canon or Nikon?
2. Sunny day or rainy day?
In the Summer/Spring, rainy day. In the Winter/Fall, sunny day.
 3. Would you want to wear pink or orange?
Orange is my life. (Not really)
4. Fall or Spring?
5. What's your least favorite food?
So far, the only food I absolutely will not eat is Raw Tomatoes.
6. Math or science?
7. iPad or iPod?
8. Pen or pencil?
9. Chocolate or vanilla?
Hmm. Depends; Vanilla for ice cream, Chocolate for Chocolate.
10. Blog, or read blogs?
First I read blog's, the I blog about the blog's I just read. (Most of the time.)
11. Pizza or ice cream?
Pizza flavored ice cream, or the other way around.

My Questions:

Star Wars or Star Trek?
Bleak House or Our Mutual Friend?
Draw or Paint?
Model Trains or Model Planes?
Smoothie or Mocha?
Cream and Sugar, or Black?
Photography or Cinematography?
Award or Be Awarded?
Matt Smith or Peter Capaldi? (If you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up, like NOW!)
Smart Phone or Flip Phone?
Tea or Coffee?

Hope you enjoyed this post!


  1. Dropped over from James' blog and saw my name on your list in connection to his! I'll answer your tag, of course, but over on my own blog, if you want to watch for it over there! :)



  2. Thanks for the tag! I don't do award posts on my blog anymore since I have a schedule that I have to keep with, but thanks for the tag. But I will answer the questions in the comment here.

    Star Wars or Star Trek?
    Star Wars all the way!
    Bleak House or Our Mutual Friend?
    Haven't not read/seen either one.
    Draw or Paint?
    Not a fan of either.
    Model Trains or Model Planes?
    Trains, although I have little experience with either one.
    Smoothie or Mocha?
    Never had a Mocha, so Smoothie.
    Cream and Sugar, or Black?
    Cream and sugar.
    Photography or Cinematography?
    Award or Be Awarded?
    Doesn't matter.
    Matt Smith or Peter Capaldi? (If you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up, like NOW!)
    Matt Smith!
    Smart Phone or Flip Phone?
    Smart Phone, although I can't afford one! XD
    Tea or Coffee?
    Usually tea, but coffee is good too.

    Fun questions!


  3. Thanks for doing them! I'm glad you like Matt Smith, for some reason, everyone loves David Tennant...

  4. Star Wars or Star Trek?
    Star Wars.
    Bleak House or Our Mutual Friend?
    Bleak House
    Draw or Paint?
    Model Trains or Model Planes?
    Model Planes
    Smoothie or Mocha?
    Cream and Sugar, or Black?
    Cream and Sugar
    Photography or Cinematography?
    How about, cartography? Nah, Cinema, baby!!!!
    Award or Be Awarded?
    Matt Smith or Peter Capaldi? (If you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up, like NOW!)
    Tom Baker, bro.
    Smart Phone or Flip Phone?
    Tea or Coffee?
