Saturday, December 27, 2014

I know, I know...

Sorry everyone for my absence, but it was Christmas, so...
I know you're probably wondering why I stopped posting 
"The Twelve Days of Christmas." Well, many things got in the
 way, (e.g. preparation, parties, making Christmas dinner, etc.)
I literally was too tired to post, again, I apologize for my not being here.
I hope you had a great Christmas!
1 John 4:9


Thursday, December 18, 2014

On the Fifth Day of Christmas...

I don't have a "Five Golden Rings" cup, so I'm posting a picture of a Christmas card that GezusGeek made! It's a fruitcake!


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Aha! Two for One!

Yes yes, I posted twice on the same day. But who cares?

Christmas Décor

Christmas lights so bright and brilliant,
Draped on evergreen resilient.

Snow globes set upon the mantle,
Someone comes to light the candles.

The Yule Logs set afire roaring,
Soon it will be Christmas Morning.

Yet it is still Christmas Eve,
But, as always, it must leave.

Carols sung at every home,
Because Christmas soon will come.

Christ Jesus was born a king,
That is why we always sing.

Cedar wreaths upon every door,
Sum up all our Christmas Décor.


December 9, 2014...

There's not much to say, especially if you haven't had breakfast...
Anyways, here is a photo I took this morning:


Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014...

Well, I was up before sunrise today... That was fun.
Just wanted to say that there is a whole new set of 
songs registered in the Grooveshark gadget.
I highly recommend "Good Time" by Owl City
And "I Am The Doctor" by Murray Gold. Both are
very entertaining songs.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 3, 2014...

Ahhh, Thanksgiving break is gone... Back to school I guess! Sorry I haven't posted lately, I've been reading posts by SW and doing way too much school. And yes, these are still Autumn photos.
I have holly trees in my front yard! Does anyone want me to post some pictures for Christmas cards?

Hope you enjoyed this post!